Sale period
2024/10/01 00:00 〜 2024/11/30 23:59
【秋と、山海の恵み】新渡染付青磁山水文鮑形向付 d14.7cm Blue and White Celadon Abalone Shaped Dish 18th-19th C
Last 1
8,000 JPY
状態: 口縁に小ホツ補修
径 10.4×14.7cm
高さ 3.8cm
重さ 約209g
清時代 18~19世紀
A charming abolone shaped mukozuke dish with three legs. Landscape design with Chinese poem on the front side, and celadon glaze on the backside.
Jingdezhen, China
Qing Dynasty. 18thー19th C
Condition : A repaired minor chip on the rim.
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