【秋と、山海の恵み】鉄製きゅうりペーパーウェイト d9.5cm Cast Iron Cucumber Shaped Paperweight 20th C
2,500 JPY
【秋と、山海の恵み】伊万里染錦桃手菊文深皿 d15.7cm Imari Polychrome Bowl, Peach and Flowers Design 19th C
2,500 JPY
【秋と、山海の恵み】鉄製にんじんペーパーウェイト d8.5cm Cast Iron Carrot Shaped Paperweight 20th C
2,500 JPY
【秋と、山海の恵み】瀬戸魚形小皿 d10.4cm Seto Ash Glazed Fish Shaped Small Dish 20th C
2,500 JPY
【秋と、山海の恵み】色絵薔薇文貝形小皿(その1)d10.5cm Enameled Shell Shaped Small Dish, Roses Design 20th C
2,000 JPY
【秋と、山海の恵み】色絵薔薇文貝形小皿(その2)d10.6cm Enameled Shell Shaped Small Dish, Roses Design 20th C
2,000 JPY
【秋と、山海の恵み】九谷色絵流水菊文小碗 d6.7cm Kutani Enameled Cup, Design of Chrysanthemums and Water Stream 20th C
2,000 JPY
【秋と、山海の恵み】陽刻鯛形箸置 d5.5cm Sea Bream Shaped Chopstick Rest 20th C
1,500 JPY
【秋と、山海の恵み】色絵かぼちゃ文馬上杯 d5.0cm Polychrome Stem Cup, Printed Pampkins Design 20th-21st C
1,500 JPY
【秋と、山海の恵み】アデリアグラス葡萄文タンブラー d6.3cm Blue Glass Tumbler, Enameled Grapes Design 20th C
1,000 JPY
【19-20】九谷色絵梅鴬輪線文鉢 d15.7cm Kutani Enameled Bowl, Design of Ume Blossoms and Bird 19th-20th C
65,000 JPY
【19-20】古伊万里染付菊市松文大皿 d36.6cm Imari Blue and White Large Dish, Ichimatsu Checkered Pattern 19th C
45,000 JPY
【19-20】古伊万里染付春駒文輪花大皿 d28.2cm Imari Blue and White Lobed Dish, Design of Harukoma Horses 19th C
35,000 JPY
【19-20】木地青貝蒔絵梅鴬文丸盆 d34.7cm Wooden Tray, Design of Ume and Uguisu in Gold Makie 19th-20th C
35,000 JPY
【19-20】一刀彫兜(櫃入り)w12.8cm Colored Curved Wooden Samurai Helmet with Wooden Chest 20th C
35,000 JPY
【19-20】朱蒔絵茶碗台(一対)d13.1cm Pair of Lacquered Wooden Tea Bowl Stands, Chrysanthemums Design 19th-20th C
25,000 JPY
【19-20】銅鍍金銀扇形鎮子 l11.8cm Bronze Fan Shaped Paperweight, Ume Design in Silver and Gold 19th-20th C
12,000 JPY
【19-20】印判瓢箪梅瓔珞文鉢 d23.2cm Inban Bowl, Design of Gourds, Plum Blossoms and Yoraku 19th-20th C
10,000 JPY
【19-20】古伊万里色絵捻梅尽文小皿 d10.5cm Imari Polychrome Small Dish, Design of Twisted Plums 19th C
10,000 JPY
【19-20】古伊万里染付鯉文八角猪口 d11.1cm Imari Blue and White Octagonal Cup, Design of Carp 19th C
8,000 JPY
【19-20】小さな張子犬一対 w4.0cm Pair of Miniature Papier-Mache Dogs 20th C
8,000 JPY
【19-20】印判鯉のぼり文大皿 d28.7cm Inban Large Dish, Carp Design and Twisted Pattern 19th-20th C
6,000 JPY
【19-20】伊万里色絵燕桜文大皿 d38.1cm Imari Polychrome Large Dish, Swallows and Sakura Blossoms 19th-20th C
5,000 JPY
【19-20】古伊万里染付団扇扇文豆皿 d7.7cm Imari Blue and White Small Dish, Design of Uchiwa and Folding Fan 19th C
4,500 JPY
【19-20】古伊万里染付蜃気楼文輪花豆皿 d9.0cm Imari Blue and White Small Dish, Mirage Design 19th C
4,500 JPY
【19-20】印判鯉捻文桃形皿 d23.0cm Inban Blue and White Peach Shaped Dish, Transfered Carp Design 19th-20th C
3,000 JPY
【19-20】安住かとり線香の紙箱 d11.4cm Paper Box for Mosquito Coil, Design of Clovers and Wild Boar 20th C
2,000 JPY
【19-20】色絵宝船文盃 d9.5cm Enameld Cup, Design of Takarabune Treasure Ship 20th C
1,500 JPY
【Secret Words】古伊万里染付竹牡丹文十角皿 d30.3cm Imari Blue and White Dish, Bamboo and Peony Design 17th-18th C
150,000 JPY
【Secret Words】古伊万里色絵桜花文六角燭台 h14.4cm Imari Enameled Hexagonal Candle Holder, Cherry Blossoms 18th C
50,000 JPY
【Secret Words】古染付捻花牡丹唐草文平盃 d9.7cm Kosometsuke Blue and White Cup, Design of Flowers 17th C
45,000 JPY
【Secret Words】瀬戸染付祥瑞捻文鉢 川本半助 d15.0cm Seto Blue and White Lobed Bowl, Twist Pattern 19th C
45,000 JPY