【Secret Words】古伊万里染付竹牡丹文十角皿 d30.3cm Imari Blue and White Dish, Bamboo and Peony Design 17th-18th C
150,000 JPY
【Secret Words】古伊万里色絵桜花文六角燭台 h14.4cm Imari Enameled Hexagonal Candle Holder, Cherry Blossoms 18th C
50,000 JPY
【Secret Words】古染付捻花牡丹唐草文平盃 d9.7cm Kosometsuke Blue and White Cup, Design of Flowers 17th C
45,000 JPY
【Secret Words】瀬戸染付祥瑞捻文鉢 川本半助 d15.0cm Seto Blue and White Lobed Bowl, Twist Pattern 19th C
45,000 JPY
【Sectet Words】呉須染付鳳凰牡丹文兜鉢 d18.0cm Swatow Blue and White Bowl, Design of Phoenix and Peony 17th C
45,000 JPY
【Secret Words】古伊万里染付柘榴桜文大皿 d31.6cm Imari Large Dish, Pomegranates and Sakura Design 17th-18th C
35,000 JPY
【Secret Words】古伊万里色絵鮎牡丹文皿 d21.9cm Imari Polychrome Dish, Design of Sweetfish and Peonies 18th C
30,000 JPY
【Secret Words】古伊万里染付唐獅子牡丹文大皿 d31.9cm Imari Blue and White Dish, Lion and Peonies 17th-18th C
30,000 JPY
【Secret Words】九谷色絵紅葉人物文猪口 d5.5cm Kutani Enameled Cup, Momiji Maple Leaves and Figures 19th-20th C
30,000 JPY
【Secret Words】樺細工ペンケース l15.4cm Cherry Barak Pen Case 20th C
20,000 JPY
【Secret Words】古伊万里青磁陽刻牡丹文長皿 d21.0cm Imari Rectangle Dish, Embossed Peonies Design 17th C
15,000 JPY
【Secret Words】乾山意色絵竜田川文鉢 d12.6cm Kenzan Style Enameled Bowl, Design of Tatsutagawa River 19th-20th C
12,000 JPY
【Secret Words】銅製牡丹文書鎮 w14.7cm Bronze Paper Weight, Peonies Design 19th-20th C
12,000 JPY
【Secret Words】陶片 古伊万里青磁陽刻蟹牡丹文皿 d16.5cm Shard, Imari Celadon Dish, Crab-Style Peony Design 17th C
10,000 JPY
【Secret Words】古伊万里色絵桜柴垣小皿 d12.6cm Imari Polychrome Dish, Design of Sakura and Brushwood Fence 18th C
10,000 JPY
【Secret Words】 古伊万里青磁色絵和歌文碗 d12.0cm Imari Enameled Celadon Bowl, Poems on Double Cherry 18th C
10,000 JPY
【Secret Words】鉄製桜花形釘 l9.9cm Iron Nail with Sakura Cherry Blossom Shaped Head 19th-20th C
8,000 JPY
【Secret Words】古伊万里染付唐獅子牡丹文筒猪口 d7.1cm Imari Blue and White Cup, Design of Lions and Peonies 18th C
8,000 JPY
【Secet Words】京焼雲錦手片口鉢 d16.4cm Kyo Ware Enameled Katakuchi Bowl, Kaede and Sakura 19th-20th C
5,000 JPY
【Secret Words】古伊万里染付花唐草文小皿 d11.0cm Imari Blue and White Small Dish, Flower Scroll 18th C
5,000 JPY
【Secret Words】古伊万里染付青磁牡丹文深皿 d16.5cm Imari Blue and White Celadon Bowl, Peony Design 19th C
4,500 JPY
【Secret Words】江山焼薄墨桜文長方小皿(薄墨桜)d10.4cm Kozan Ware Small Rectangle Dish, Sakura Design
3,500 JPY
【Secret Words】江山焼十六日の初桜文長方小皿 d10.3cm Kozan Ware Small Rectangle Dish, Sakura Design 19th-20th C
3,500 JPY
【Secret Words】犬山焼雲錦手猪口 d7.7cm Inuyama Enameled Cup, Design of Momiji and Sakura 19thー20th C
3,500 JPY
【Secret Words】印判紅葉鹿人物文小皿(その1)d12.7cm Inban Dish, Design of Momiji, Deer and Figures 20th C
3,500 JPY
【Secret Words】印判紅葉鹿人物文小皿(その2)d12.6cm Inban Dish, Design of Momiji, Deer and Figures 20th C
3,500 JPY
【Secret Words】印判紅葉鹿人物文小皿(その3)d12.6cm Inban Dish, Design of Momiji, Deer and Figures 20th C
3,000 JPY
【Secret Words】印判紅葉鹿人物文小皿(その4)d12.6cm Inban Dish, Design of Momiji Leaves, Deer and Figures 20th C
3,000 JPY
【Secret Words】印判紅葉鹿人物文小皿(その5)d12.5cm Inban Dish, Design of Momiji, Deer and Figures 20th C
3,000 JPY
【Secret Words】京焼名所図小皿(都通天)d9.6cm Kyo Ware Enameled Small Dish, Kyoto Tsuten Design 19th-20th C
3,000 JPY
【Secret Words】清水焼色絵紅葉楓文捻形小皿(その1)d12.3cm Kiyomizu Ware Enameled Small Dish, Leaves Design 20th C
3,000 JPY
【Secret Words】清水焼色絵紅葉楓文捻形小皿(その2)d12.5cm Kiyomizu Ware Enameled Small Dish, Leaves Design 20th C
3,000 JPY